Friday, August 22, 2008

Some Super Sweet Sites
Bernadette Sipkes' blog; she showcases her prints here, which are also available to buy.

images taken from her blog. AND

In the blogger's own words (taken from her about me page):

My name is Yvonne Eijkenduijn, I live with Boris (who I affectionately call 'The Bo') and our cat Boo in an old house in Belgium close to the Dutch border. I was born and raised in The Netherlands but traveled and lived the world and a thousand seas. I've decorated quite a few homes, raised 12 kittens, fell in love only 3 times and baked a lot of cakes. I try to live each day like freshly shaven legs under clean sheets.

I'm a homemaker, lifestylist , blogger and photographer. AND

From the artist's about me page:

Hello. I’m Charlotte. Pleased to meet you!

Anknel and Burblets are my childhood fairies.

I remember the first time I met them; it was raining and thundering outside and I was watching my mother sew. I was not yet three at the time and they just appeared next to her sewing machine, saying hello, smiling and waving.

Since then I’ve joined them on many an adventure; planting our first yellow snapdragons under my bedroom window when we lived by the beach, writing poetry in the rain under the trees, running away from home with a chilli-bin full of grapefruit, climbing tall trees and taking aerial photos of our house, concocting luke-warm parsley soup for my grandmother, building a highway up in the trees for out cat Bodha, and making a nice milkshake for my brother out of plaster board scraps and weeds.

They showed me how to pat bumblebees, find magic in rain drops and talk to the trees and flowers.

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